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A girl who lives in her own fantasy in between the pages

Hi there! Klaver here, before you know me more, Klaverblad means clover leaves, it was inspired by The Three Sisters of Japara. R.A Kartini used this name to call her and two of her sisters, Kardinah and Roekmini. Later, Kardinah will be the one who try to works on an earlier dream of Klaverblad.


Klaverblad will be my place to share my thoughts on random things but specifically on books. Words and Books have been my world for a long time, that is why I created this blog for my media to write and share my interests.


I am a versatile reader, but mostly read Fiction. But, no worries my review will ranging from classics to contemporary fiction. â€‹I'll try to keep my article short and fun so you will have a great experience here in my blog. So, without further ado,


happy reading!

 Current Read
Delta of Venus
by Anaïs Nin
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Vous pouvez m'appeler Klaverblad!

You can call me Klaverblad!, a student, writer, and 24/7 book-lover, also not forget to mention that I'm a massive Classics-Freak.

Recent Posts on klaverblad

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Modern Classics


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