Disclaimer: In this case the term non-fiction that I use is self-help, not biography or memoir
The tale as old as time rival, fiction and non-fiction have leave us confused for many years. Questions like Which one is better? Which genre should I choose first? have been swimming around my brain since the first time I began reading. Around 3 months ago, I had this conversation with my friend revolving around the genre of the book that we chose and breakdown every aspect of these genre and goes back to the main question Is non-fiction better than fiction?
As a former twitter-freak, I used to be very active in this literary base and found that people has differs opinion. One time, there is this one twitter account stated that fiction is a waste of time and 'real' reading is when you read non-fiction. Being young and naïve, I believed that statement and I went to a bookstore to bought one famous non-fiction book. And let me say this to you the book is not cheap.
I went home, gets super excited and I started to read. Here's where the shit is going down. I'm pretty much enjoyed the book, but as I reached to the last pages, I started to wonder 'Why am I reading this?'. Yes, WHY? The book contains mostly a general life lesson that you might got if you have series of mental breakdown (I've been there, so..). I know these lessons and it's not very much special.
So today, I want to share some general differences between fiction and non-fiction based on what I have learned. I don't want you guys to feel what I feel and wanted to help you to choose.
1. Non-Fiction is Facts Based
Most of the non-fiction book will be punching you with facts, facts, and facts. Another may filled with some tutorial that you might already understand and know because of your life experiences. While, on the other side Fiction is plot or story based, even though sometimes it may has some facts on it. A book without a plot is the same thing as boring.
2. Revolving Around One Topic Only
If you buy a non-fiction book about business, the book will be only about business. Like how to built a good company, how to be a millionaire, and other American dreams bullshit that they give. But, when you read a fiction they are going to give you more than one lesson. When you dive down and applying the critical reading method, you'll find a lot of messages in one book. That is why I'd rather read fiction because it is more worth it for me.
3. Understanding The Pluralism of People
In fiction, you may find different people and their own uniqueness. Though it is fiction, it can help us to understand people and how we built that empathy to another person. Other than the story and the plot, fiction is a reflective genre that shows ourself.
4. The Diverse Opinion
The most exciting part when it comes to fiction is when we share our thoughts about it. Some books have hidden message that not a lot of people notice or even the most obvious message might meant different for other people. Back in January I took an English Lit. class about understanding the most famous William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. In the end of every chapter, the professor asks us to write our opinion on a forum he has provided. I notice that there's a lot of unique opinion and different interpretation of the play. And, I'm not gonna' lie that the best feeling you got is that, when someone agrees or even disagree with you. The interaction and the fact that they've stated might help you to open your mind much wider.
5. The Books, The Writers, and The Readers
I am a huge fan of a youtuber called Uncarley. Last week, she has a new youtube video discussing about books that read by billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, etc. We all know that those people are billionaires and they are businessman. If you watch the video, most of them read 'Self-help business book'. Funny isn't it? When you run a billion-dollars-company but still read a book about 'How to Run a Good Business'.
But, have you notice that even though those books have not been released, those people are already billionaires. Plus, if you wrote such great book until Bill Gates read them, then why aren't the authors the billionaires already? why the readers are the billionaires not them?
This means that the best help that you can get is from life. Interacts more, find relation with people, and don't be too afraid to do anything outside of your box. Because experience is the best teacher that you ever had.
Not all self-help or non-fiction book is bad. There are some books that is worth to read. But, if you find yourself that these books is not helping your mental health or any issue that you have, maybe it's time to seek for someone's help.
After all, read whatever book you like but never be too attached to that genre. There is more in the book universe that waited for you to be explored. But, if you ask me which one that I prefer.. I prefer fiction.
Feel free to share your opinion, you may disagree with me because in the end we have our own perspectives.
Uncarley's youtube video that I mentioned:
book recommendations from billionaires are WILD: https://youtu.be/dQBu6WwcGVM
i read #girlboss books for a week (and learned NOTHING lol): https://youtu.be/IQ9I8BxZCww